Lost in Aliso...
This weekend we were off again to explore and with a whole three days of the weekend ahead to get our big list of tasks complete we would have plenty of time to get in some good training sessions too. I got in a paddle on Friday, good ride on Saturday, ride and paddle on Sunday and treked it out on Monday... We actually ended up getting lost in Aliso Woods on Monday but somehow all of the chaos of recent days got sorted out as we sorted out our way back through Aliso laughing it up with friends about how we were out over 3 hours with no water in the heat of the day... Looking back it was just the confirmation we needed that we made the right decision.
The stress from the last few weeks, that became painfully obvious when my back went out, came to a boil a week ago before Xterra West but the result is now a decision that Monique and I have set in stone and put into motion.... We are moving! It is interesting how much turmoil surrounds the decisions that are not yet made but continue to be wighted in the balances and weigh on the mind... Considering every option, outcome and result of the "possible" action is exhausting. However, when the choice is made all of that energy can be put in motion and as we are feeling first hand the momentum that it brings when you know you are moving in the right direction.
It has been a long time coming but one of the biggest decisions we made was deciding to move back to Orange County after giving it MUCH MUCH thought and prayer. This really revolved around so many other decisions as Monique and I desire our "ministry" to explore, have new job opportunities, have an avenue for the business we just started and so many other decisions just fall into place once this is decided. Crazy how much this took a toll on me when it is not that bad after the choice is made.
Do all roads lead to God? We were lost in Aliso and in a mix of road, off-road, in bush and over rock... We did have a destination but the fun of getting lost with Josiah, Melissa, Jeff, Joe and Mo was so much fun that the route selection was low on the order of importance. The time it took did not matter as long as we would have the resources to get there. . . and we would but it was all about being complete at your destination. Timing is critical . . . at times ;-)
Walking back to the car I was so stoked about our time in Bakersfield and knowing that it is complete. I would not change it for the world and Monique and I are shocked at how we have grown in the last two years. We know exactly what we want, where we have been and have a distinct momentum for where we are going. I love getting lost! and I have found that I am pretty good at it ;-) We really didn't start racing, blogging or many of the things that we do everyday until we moved to Bako and I discovered first hand the power and love of Monique was far beyond what I thought that little girl could dish out. A changing of times and a circle run complete. Loving our maker, life, friends and where we now live more than ever.